OrbisViator is a nonprofit informational and educational website. The site exists to share knowledge, stimulate curiosity, and facilitate learning. The site is not monetized in any way and does not accept any advertising revenue.
OrbisViator is a publication about arts, ideas, and travel provided through a boutique website. The website has a nonprofit, educational mission and is intended for the public good. Appealing to a wide audience, OrbisViator attempts to separate the signal from the noise that dominates the Internet today.
This site encourages browsing the links in the OrbisViator™ Directory as one would browse the books on a library shelf or at a brick and mortar bookstore. One should embrace “epistemological modesty.”
“…I shall be telling this with a sigh
From the poem, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.“
This niche site is edited by humans, but the site may utilize artificial intelligence (AI) where its use may be accurate and productive. If AI is used to generate content, the content will include a note stating that it was generated by AI. The research for and the curation of this site are regularly aided by AI. Current AI technology provides considerable benefit to many organizations.
orbisviator.com was introduced in 2024 and was registered on March 3, 2024. A previous boutique website by the editor of this site was registered on March 4, 1997.
The website provides news, original multimedia, original writing, famous quotations, and a searchable directory of links. orbisviator.com attempts to provide a directory of websites which reflects an eclectic, diverse, and balanced approach. Because this site is edited and reviewed by our selective, very experienced, and well-traveled contributors we are able to offer a boutique website.
This site provides news covered by orbisviator.com journalists on an intermittent basis. All articles published are uniquely identified by the date they are published.
OrbisViator also republishes articles from external sites on occasion that may be of interest to readers. Content from external sites is editorially independent of orbisviator.com. Republished material will always include its attribution to the original author and original publication.
WARNING! This site is not intended for children. This database contains links to external sites that may contain material which is not appropriate for children. Parental discretion is advised! Children should be supervised while on the Internet at all times. Never allow a minor to use the Internet without monitoring their activity at all times. Ensure that the child is sitting in view of their parent or guardian to offer close supervision. This site does not allow user to user interaction. No personal information is collected or stored.
For more information see: Family Online Safety Institute’s Good Digital Parenting
OrbisViator very strongly supports the First Ammendment of the United States Constitution, “Free Speech,” “Freedom of Expression,” and the unalienable right to privacy.
Some sites are included to broaden the coverage of a given subject in order to inform and educate, and some sites are included to amuse and entertain. Not all sites, however, could be considered high quality or in good taste. One should consider this external content as editorially independent of orbisviator.com. In fact, we disagree with the opinions expressed in a number of these external sites. One must decide for oneself what is truthful and what is not.

Search OrbisViator™ and this directory using the search box available at the top of every page. Search powered by Algolia AI.
Today’s search technology is constantly evolving so one should view the search results as a very good guess but not necessarily the final, correct answer to a query.
No warranty is implied and the sites listed may contain factual or typographical errors. A search on the Internet should never be considered an exhaustive search of all available literature or sources. One must use other forms of media like printed books, original documents, and many other types of information.
Notice: Please, read the Legal Notice. By using this website one agrees to the terms of the legal notice. One must leave orbisviator.com if one does not agree.

“Knowledge itself is power.” Sir Francis Bacon. (1561 – 1626). From Meditationes Sacrae, 1597.