Boston and New England

Boston Marathon 2009 - Leading Women. Stewart Dawson
Boston Marathon 2009 – Leading Women. Stewart Dawson via Flickr. Creative Commons License Attribution 2.0 Generic

African American Heritage Trail of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts
African American Point of View – news for Greater Springfield, Massachusetts area
Albany Berkshire Ballet / Cantarella School of Dance. Pittsfield, Massachusetts
American Repertory Theatre – Loeb Drama Center Harvard University
Aroostook County, Maine
Arthur Freedman Collection of the Boston rock music scene at Harvard Film Archive
Arts Fuse – arts magazine for the Greater Boston area and beyond
Asian American Civic Association, Chinatown, Boston
Atkins Farms, Amherst, Massachusetts
Bangor Daily News, Maine
Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce and Acadia National Park, Maine
Bascom Lodge – at the summit of Mount Greylock; Massachusetts’ highest elevation
Basketball Hall of Fame – Springfield, Mass.
Baxter State Park – Mount Katahdin, Maine
Beardsley Zoo – Bridgeport, Connecticut
Bennington Museum, Vermont
Berkshire Bach Society – Great Barrington, Massachusetts
Berkshire Fine Arts
Berkshire Lyric Chorus
Berkshire Magazine
Berkshire Museum and aquarium
Berkshire Regional Transit Authority
Big E – Eastern States Exposition – New England Tradition
Block Island
Block Island Ferry
Boston Athenaeum
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center
Boston CitySearch
Boston Groupie News
Boston Harbor Islands. A National Park area.
Boston Harborfest – A six-day long Fourth of July festival in the cradle of the American Revolution
Boston Links – Black volunteer service organization
Boston Marathon Website
Boston Phoenix
Boston Public Library
Boston Seafood Festival
Boston’s Best Live Rock – website of the legendary Channel Club
Brimfield Flea Market, America’s Oldest Outdoor Antiques Flea Market
Brown University
Burlington, Vermont
Burlington Free Press (Vermont)
Canobie Lake Park – historic Salem, New Hampshire amusement park since 1902
Cape Ann Whale Watch – Gloucester
Cape Cod Times
Chinatown Main Street, Boston
City of Boston
Classic Lyric Arts Berkshires summer training program
Club Passim, Cambridge
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Connecticut Magazine
Cook Farm Flayvors Ice Cream and Dairy – Hadley, Massachusetts
Dig Boston – an alt weekly for metro Boston
Discovering Amistad – tour replica ship and learn the history of Amistad
Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary, Lincoln, Mass.
Eagles Community Band – Pittsfield, Massachusetts since 1936
Emily Dickinson Museum, Amherst, Massachusetts
Explore the Berkshires, By the Way Berkshires
Farmers Almanac
Fort at No. 4 – A museum about colonial era Plantation No. 4, now Charlestown, New Hampshire
Franconia Notch – Four Season Resort Area in New Hampshire White Mountains
Freedom Trail, The – tour 16 nationally significant historic sites in Boston
Goodspeed Opera House, East Haddam, Connecticut
Greenfield, Massachusetts
Groton, Connecticut – Webcam of ocean at UConn Avery Point Marine Sciences Building
Hampton Beach, New Hampshire Coast Resort Area
Hampton, New Hampshire Area Chamber of Commerce
Hancock Shaker Village – Hancock, MA
Harvard University
Historic Deerfield, Massachusetts
Historic New England – regional heritage organization
Historic Northampton, Massachusetts – news and more from the Berkshires
India New England – News and events of the local New England Indian community.
Iron Horse, Northampton
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum – Boston
James Hook & Co – fresh lobster on Boston Waterfront since 1925
Jewish Federation of the Berkshires
John F. Kennedy Library and Museum – Boston
Kancamagus Scenic Byway – New Hampshire
Legal Sea Foods
Longfellow House-Washington’s Headquarters National Historic Site
Lowell and Greater Merrimack Valley Massachusetts
Lowell National Historic Park
Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center – Great Barrington, Massachusetts
Maine to Nova Scotia, Canada Ferry
Maine Office of Tourism
Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce
Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center
Massachusett Bay Transporation Authority (MBTA)
Meet Boston, Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau
Massachusetts Historical Society – founded 1791
Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art – North Adams
Mohawk Trail – scenic road opened October 22, 1914
Mo’Rockin Fusion restaurant – Moroccan food in Boston
Mount Washington Observatory, New Hampshire. Home of the Worlds Worst Weather
Museum of African American History – Boston and Nantucket
Music in the Berkshires
Music Museum of New England
Mystic Aquarium
Mystic Seaport, Connecticut
Nantucket Mass. Incorporated 1671
Nantucket Chamber of Commerce
National Audubon Society field guide to New England
New Bedford Whaling Museum
New Boston Post – “conservative news” relavent to Boston & New England
New England – Yankee Magazine
New England Air Museum – Windsor Locks, Connecticut
New England Aquarium Whale Watch
New England Cable News NECN
New England Historical Society
New England Holocaust Memorial
New England Legends – broadcasting on PBS station WGBY in Springfield, Mass since 2017
New England Peace Pagoda – Buddhist Temple in Leverett, Mass.
New England Philharmonic
New England Region Narcotics Anonymous
New England Trail – 235-mile hiking trail from CT to the MA/NH border
New England Visionary Artists Museum, Northampton, Mass.
New Hampshire Magazine
New Hampshire official tourism site
New Haven International Festival of Arts and Ideas
New Haven Area Chamber of Commerce
New London Day
Newburyport Whale Watch
Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge Massachusetts
Ogunquit Playhouse, Maine
Old Plimouth Village – Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Old Sturbridge Village – Massachusetts
Peabody Essex Museum – Americas oldest continuously operating museum. Salem, Mass.
Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum
Pioneer Valley Symphony Orchestra
Pioneer Valley Transit Authority – Public Transit in Western Mass.
Providence Journal, Rhode Island
Provincetown Theater
Provincetown Tourism
Railroad Museum of New England – Thomaston, CT
Roxbury Film Festival
Royall House and Slave Quarters – surviving freestanding slave quarters
Salem Witch Museum
Satanic Temple, Salem, Massachusetts
Shakespeare and Company – Lenox, Mass. (Rose Playhouse Theater)
Saugus Iron Works – Birthplace of the American Iron and Steel Industry
Shires of Southwestern Vermont
Six Flags New England
Six Mysterious Stone Structures in New England
Springfield Museums at the Quadrangle
Springfield Symphony Orchestra
Stationery Factory – Arts, Music & commerce center in Dalton, Massachusetts
Story Land, White Mountains, New Hampshire
Submarine Force Library and Museum Association – Groton, Connecticut
Susan B Anthony Birthplace Museum – Adams, Massachusetts
T Max’s Music Site/The Noise magazine – from Internet Archive
The Sound of Our Town: a history of Boston rock and roll
Toad’s Place, New Haven
Topsfield Fair – one of America’s oldest fairs
USGS New England Water Science Center
University of Connecticut (UConn) Huskies Women’s Basketball
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Valley Classical Concerts, Northampton
Vermont Vacation, Official Site of State of Vermont
VTDigger – independent news from Vermont
W.E.B. Du Bois National Historic Site, Great Barrington
Warner Fall Foliage Festival – New Hampshire, since 1947
Welcome to Visit New England
Williams College Museum of Art – Williamstown Massachusetts
Williamstown Rural Lands
Worcester Art Museum
Worcester Magazine
Yale University
Yankee Magazine – New England
Yiddish Book Center, Amherst, Mass.
Zaftigs Delicatessen – Kosher deli in Brookline
Zoo New England – Franklin Park Zoo & Stone Zoo

  • Abigail Adams: [after reviewing John’s summary for the defense] John, there’s not a person in Boston who doubts your education, your command of language…
    John Adams: Oh, dear. You are charming me, Abigail. You never charm me unless what you’re about to say is cutting.
    Abigail Adams: John, vanity.
    John Adams: Vain?
    Abigail Adams: You have overburdened your argument with ostentatious erudition. You do not need to quote great men to show you are one.
    In the 2008 HBO Series John Adams based on the book, John Adams by David McCullough. 2001
  • “There, I guess King George will be able to read that.” John Hancock (1737-1793) Revolutionary from Massachusetts on signing the Declaration of Independence.
  • “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” Horace Mann (1796-1880) Born in Franklin, Massachusetts. “Father of American Public School Education.”
  • “The winds of Boston have carried the words of revolution across the world.” — John F. Kennedy. Commonwealth Armory in Boston on October 19, 1956.
  • “There is a sumptuous variety about the New England weather that compels the stranger’s admiration — and regret. The weather is always doing something there; always attending strictly to business; always getting up new designs and trying them on the people to see how they will go….Yes, one of the brightest gems in the New England weather is the dazzling uncertainty of it.” Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens) 1835-1910. Speech, “The Weather” 1876.
  • “They [the makers of the Constitution] conferred, as against the Government, the right to be let alone — the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men.” Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941) Olmsted v. United States 1928. Brandeis, “The People’s Attorney” practiced law in Boston, and was a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

James Michael Curley of Boston, Massachusetts
James Michael Curley, legendary historical figure from Boston, Massachusetts.

By Harris & Ewing, photographer – Library of CongressCatalog: download: Original url:, Public Domain,
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